Sunday, May 8, 2011

I love my Mommy!

Today was my Mommy's 1st Mother's Day! She hugged me and kissed me a lot today. "I love her to the moon and back."

I had fun making this flower for her at school.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Zoo

On Saturday April 23rd I went to the MN Zoo for the first time, with my friends Heidi and Hannah.  Here's som pictures.


Thursday, April 7, 2011

My Favorite Things...

My favorite things this week are going to school with Mommy, blowing spit bubbles and talking, laughing at my puppy, Summit and painting with my feet!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

4 Months Old!

I'm 4 Months Old today and I've learned many more things...
*I enjoy going to my Primrose school everyday. It makes to smile to see all my friends and the bright colors in the room.

*I've been sleeping through the night for quite sometime now. My Mommy and Daddy love it!

*Last week I went to the Dr. because I wasn't feeling too well. (I think it was all the new germs at school.) When I was there, the nurse weighed me and I am over 15lbs.

*I LOVE to play in the excersaucer at school. My Mommy and Daddy got one for me at home, but I think I like the one at school better. :)

*I have figured out how to hold on to things and really like playing with my rings.

*I like to snuggle with my blanket.

*I always suck on my fingers and fists. It drives my Mommy and Daddy crazy because I drool a lot.

*I like to look at myself in the mirror.

*I laugh at the silly things my Mommy, Daddy and Summit do. Sometimes when I laugh so hard I get the hiccups and I don't like that very much.

*I've had a couple babysitters Grandparents really know how to spoil me!

*I like to watch my puppy, Summit, chase after her toys.

*I would rather sit up in someones lap or in my Bumbo seat rather than laying in my bouncer.

*I'm working on turning my head to stretch my neck muscles.

*I like to have tummy time and I've even kicked my feet so hard I've rolled from my tummy to my back. Mommy, Daddy and Uncle Nick all cheered for me! Now, I like to trick my Mommy and make her help me do it again. It's hard to roll from my back to my belly is just too big.

*I've had many play dates with my cousins and Mommy and Daddy's friends. I like it!

*I've very ticklish under my arms and on my legs.

*I LOVE LOVE LOVE to take a bath! I get one every night. :)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


I am having SO MUCH FUN at Primrose! Today I got to go in the Excersaucer...I really like it. My teachers think I'm really strong because I hold my head up so well and I like to sit or stand on their laps instead of laying in a bouncer so they put me in the Excersaucer. They called my Mommy in the room to come and see me and she almost cried because she thought I looked so grown up. She's so silly.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

My First Week at Primrose!

I like it at my new school! My teachers are really nice.

I like it when my teachers read books to me!

I love to look at books.

My teachers are always making me laugh. :)

Monday, February 21, 2011

Conversations with Owen


Mommy & Me

My Mommy keeps telling me that in one week I get to go to school! I'm really excited to see what it's all about and meet some new friends.

My Mommy has been home with me for 11 weeks now. She tells me that she likes being at home with me because she can watch me grow and doesn't miss a thing! We've done lots of fun things together....we've had many people come over to visit us, Daddy spent lots of time at home with us, we've gone shopping to buy me some diapers and food (I got one toy too!), we've visited family and friends, and I've even had a couple babysitters so Mommy and Daddy could get out of the house together.

Thanks Mommy for staying home with I'm ready for my next adventure...PRIMROSE!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

2 Months!

I'm a little over two months old now! My mommy and daddy think I'm growing up fast. I went to the Dr.'s yesterday and got three shots. They hurt really bad and I only cried a little. My mommy was sad, but I'm feeling better today. I now weigh 12 lbs. 4 oz. and am 23 inches long! I'll be as tall as my daddy before you know it!

I've been having fun at home with mommy, but I'm excited to go to my new school. On Monday, February 28th I start at Primrose School of Savage. I'll be in the infant room. Hopefully my mommy won't bother me too much...she works in the office there. I have a feeling she'll be peeking in on me quite a bit. I hope she doesn't embarrass me in front of my new friends.

So far I've learned to do many things...
* I can hold my head up pretty good on my own.
* I love to stand on Daddy's legs and like it when he shoots me into the air.
* I smile at my mommy and daddy all the time (mostly because they look silly).
* I talk a lot (apparently that's a gene I picked up from my mom).
* I love to look at my decorations on my bedroom wall, but the ceiling fan in the living room is the coolest!
* I had some 'tummy time' seems o.k.
* I'm drinking a lot of formula from a bottle (I wish mommy and daddy would give me more sometimes).
* I enjoy my baths at relaxing!
* I've started to notice that there is a furry creature wondering around at my house, mommy and daddy call her Summit. I'll have to do some more investigating.
* I sleep a little bit during the day, it's just too exciting around here I don't want to miss much. I do get a lot of sleep at night though(My mommy and daddy get so excited when that happens).

I can't wait to learn more...stay tuned!